March 3, 2014


My mom and I were discussing an inspirational blogger Mark Sisson and how he revealed the best exercise there is.
His advice?  "The single best exercise there is, hands down, is the one you’ll do."

It is so true.  I don't like running and neither does my body.  Sure, every once and a while I'll have a great run and collapse in euphoria when I get home but for the most part I count down the seconds until it's over and it creates aches everywhere (my ankle, the arch of my foot, my knee....).  However, when I prepare for a bike ride or drive into the mountains for a hike, I am ecstatic - I can barely wait to get on the road or out of the car.  
Explore different exercises and find the one (or two or three...) that you look forward to doing - and do them.  Try that kickboxing class even if you think you'll hate it (I loved the one I attempted), go to a yoga class even if you can't touch your toes, venture to the Bar Method class or Zumba or may love it.  Exercise not only makes you feel amazing but it is so important for leading a healthy life.  Find a way to motivate yourself and do it.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! And I totally agree. Personally, I love when my weekly workouts consist of a few runs and a few Crossfit classes. But when people ask about it, while I do love both work outs and would advocate for them both, I always say that different workouts fit different people. My Dad loves to spin, my mom loves pilates, my college roommate loves to hike, and I love to run. My theory is that it's important to be active- for health, and general mental well-being- but being active can take on lots of different forms!

    I'm so glad I stumbled on your blog... your posts are always inspiring.
    xx- Lynn-Holly from The Attic
